The Rime of the Ancient Mariner

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Now this was an interesting piece! First of all, I loved the absurd plot, and how it almost felt like some kind of skewed dream sequence because of how warped reality was. That made everything from the setting to all of the characters incredibly diverse and deep. It's one of those pieces I think different people will always find something new to pull out of it because it just leaves the opportunity for countless vantage points.

To me, one of the most interesting aspects was in the way that Coleridge capitalized random words throughout the poem. For one thing, I definitely don't think this was a random thing on his part. I think he knew exactly what he was doing. Also, I loved the inconsistency of it, and how it was impossible to predict. I think it was meant to draw the reader's attention to some certain word, and from that word gain some implied understanding or idea. Like a hidden meaning.